
The original iPhone has changed my life. Apple Watch? Apple TV? Not too.

This is how I wrote three new Apple products released this year when asked. I like it, but I'm hesitant to recommend others to frustration because of defects or the absence of essential features.
If you ask me to describe my iPhone 6s Plus mini iPad 4, Retina iMac or 5K, I have nothing but gushing praise. It is true that it is the most mature products, but also tell my review of the original iPhone and the iPad was much positive feedback from all my "Version One" Apple released this year.
The original iPhone changed not only the industry, but it changed my life - from day one. The original iPad showed me the future of computing. Although only use my iPad to watch videos and read, I use this time of day. And the iMac and Mac OS X are so mature at this point, insignificant errors are really all I can complain.
So what has changed since these products to these new? I refuse to believe or to use the excuse of "Steve Jobs". Apple is full of brilliant people at all levels of the organization. You do not become the largest company in the world led by models.
I entertain the idea that Apple is itself too thin stretch. Despite being the largest company in the world, who have moved from one platform (OS X) to manage six (OS X, iOS, TVOS, watchOS, iCloud and carplay). Apple has always seemed a company that does more with less, but even this amount of annual innovation that seems an insane amount of work for a company with no more than a few hiccups along the way.
My feeling is that our expectations for these products have increased exponentially from there nearly a decade, when Apple began to really push the accelerator pedal in the mobile and technology in general. The original iPhone compared to a Blackberry or Nokia. The biggest competitor of the original iPad was a Windows Tablet PC. The only place I saw one of those was a university classroom.
Compare that to Apple Music, running against Spotify, which is really good. The Apple TV is competing with Roku, TiVo, Xfinity X1, and a variety of other holders. I'm not really sure who or what the clock is competing against Apple. Fitbit? Android wear? Omega?
When the bar is raised by the existing competition, product defects 1.0 project more than they did when you'are revolutionize and change a market that is either latent or nonexistent. Piss poor application performance in the watch is hard to ignore. The clusterfuck an interface that has been compared to Apple Music Spotify is difficult to justify. Failure to update a remote application or Bluetooth keyboard support Apple TV makes me curious how Apple has priority features; really seems a glaring omission.
The clock, music products and television will continue to evolve in the coming years and see continued improvement, but I can not deny that I am nostalgic for the days of the original Apple product put my jaw on the floor and gives me zero hesitation in recommending to others.

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