
Stgnek three best sites for buying games forever | Carrying what he receives from the games for your PC

A lover of games, especially the two strings famous private Call of duty & Battle Field I was waiting on pins and needles the latest version of these two series, until that day arrived anticipated .. I went to the shop, who bought it DVD largest shops towns of habit, and the tone of someone confident asked the shop owner to gives me the game Call of Duty: Blake Ops 3 he replied that it is not yet available, I went back two days later and a week later and went two to three weeks were available even in other cities, I would suggest myself I carry from the Internet, and actually began to look, and when I entered a site claims to have .. Aegean assured me he says, follow the link, show pages and advertisements all ends like it began with no result ...

Stgnek ,three ,best ,sites, for buying games forever | Carrying what he receives from the games for your PC

After a full month was cold embers and lost hope call me the shop owner told me that the game and its relevance to Alan..ran for getting ahead the wind and I bought the game, including the equivalent of $ 10, and consisted of 4 DVD size of 20 GB, and after three hours of continuous installation .. gave me the installation file an error that files are incomplete game ... replaced the game from the shop, but where the game files are a problem ..

Here you are East may, but continued research until I found three foreign locations competent games ... to say the least it's a great, great after my suffering ... I decided to share them so that you will take them not to waste your time in the search, as happened to me.

1 - Site from here

Stgnek three, best sites for, buying games ,forever | ,Carrying ,what he receives from the games for your PC

Preferred Location ... I have found my need it, and carried the game in the size of 50 GB (note the difference between my brother-select Size)

Site features:

1. Plain and simple beautifully designed 

2 . completely free

3. Does not require a login, but if you wish to comment on one of the games

4. specialist PC games.

5. great content includes most PC games Shall I did not say all - divided and organized into categories

6. ability to search the site through the search box on the right

7. rapid loading and one link supports completion

8. Most of the games there is a written and video explaining the installation process explained

9. site adds new modern games every day

Now we come to the loading of the way location:

After looking for a game, open the game page take you touring find all the information about this game is the beginning of the manufacturer and the date of issuance, and the game features, and specifications needed to run the game the computer system, and then explain how to install the game, and finally the download button., Pressing it will take you site for direct download page, wait a little while to prepare what is the download link, and then asks you to press a button to continue it shows ... Once pressed him seconds and will start loading.

2 - Site from here

Stgnek three best sites for buying games ,|, Carrying what he receives from the games for your PC

The site has several sections latest gaming news and updates and ...

Site features:

1. completely free

2. specialist also PC games

3. Plain and simple beautiful design

4. The site adds a new modern games every day

5. great content and organization of the Games is divided into categories

6. does not require a login, but if you wish to comment on one of the games

7. ability to search the site through the search box on the right

8. download either from torrent links or supports completion

Now we come to the loading of the way location:

The site provides many options for download, according to the size of the game ... but in general there are three ways to download from the site:

1. either by torrent

2. or through links from many servers

3. If the game or large size it is divided into sections, each the size of 4 GB and raised on many servers as well.

3 - Site from here

Stgnek, three best ,sites for buying games forever | ,Carrying ,what ,he, receives from the games for your PC

Last strong position in the gaming world, but download it for free for 14 days only.

Site features:

1. Plain and simple

2. The ability to search the site through the search box on the right

3. great content from the Organization of the games in the categories at the Department of Archives

4. download via links supports completion

5. The site adds a new modern games every day

Now we come to the loading of the way location:

To download any game just click on the direct link and the site will take you to the login page and post to the download page.


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