
Learn the secret behind the existence of the letter i in the devices and services Apple

What distinguishes Now Apple devices is e character that is found in all device names since the launch of the company for your i Mac in 1998, the year that I knew a strong start for the company after it was suffering from a severe financial crisis that nearly caused the bankruptcy, the choice of Steve Jobs character i made you many users are perplexed to learn the secret behind the choice of this character from the other, many people went to the belief that the abbreviation of the word internet, and this after Steve Jobs said that the object of this every user wants to buy a new computer is the need for the internet, but this belief is wrong altogether, the adoption of the letter i is something else.

Learn ,the, secret, behind ,the, existence ,of the letter i in the devices and services Apple

The real secret in there i character in Apple devices is due in particular to the launch date i Mac where a slide show to the public they include a lot of words summarize the company's goal of modern products which is the "Internet" and "individual" and "guidance" and "media" and " inspiration "no internet, individual, instruct, inform, inspire, Steve Jobs said that the letter i carries a lot of meanings for employees at Apple, so the company will highlight all the organs and services that letter, which carries a lot of meanings, which actually make the company include it with a lot of devices and services as i Tools, i cloud, i pod, i bad, note that this event also coincided with the success of the i Mac after the company was judged by death.


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