
7 seven steps to avoid phishing attacks on your account in #Facebook protect

7 seven steps to avoid phishing attacks ,on ,your ,account in #Facebook ,protect

Deception is a kind of pirate attacks on personal information to someone and that comes as the page or Emile forged similar to an official location, but the truth is a false site.
All users, in the form of Commons, must have an e-mail connected to Facebook network and receive notices an ongoing basis to stay in touch with the company, but soon will receive a letter from another source, but as an official source ordering to be Reset Password In order to do so it access to a particular site and here will be the intrigue,
That would be the site is fake, and as soon as the user puts his or her login information will be sent to the owner of this site counterfeiter and so have succeeded this attack.
This process usually succeed because it depends on people's confidence site Facebook user and the best proof of this.
In recent years, social networking has become one of the most important stations that it is waging this type of hacker attacks.
But m has a popular and confidence in the hearts of its fans on Facebook can be deceptive send this page to steal hundreds of Facebook accounts, but usually does not do it out of respect for the confidence of its fans.
Of course the attack in this way is not just about Facebook Valhakrz are taking advantage of the victim's ignorance to send him also e-mails bearing pages for credit cards forged to steal personal information easily, and whatever can still These methods rely on the acquisition of the victim's trust or deception in a way nothing else.
There are many ways to protect your account from these attacks, and most important to be alert to any e-mails come up in connection with your personal information.
1. Never complement any request for personal information are asked never
2. Just enter your personal information to sites protected and you can see them protected through its own link if it starts with https: // is often protected and you can learn the extent of protection by clicking on the lock that appears at the top of your browser.
3. Look at the signs of the registration process protected often they send you an email to confirm your account but if you have been referred to another place did not expect, know that here was an attack hackers.
4.la give your personal information to links to external logged, but go directly to the site and log in officially
5. Make sure that the antivirus you have to have protection against this type of attacks where he can tell you some fraudulent sites
6. Make sure that each Maatmtlleke on the computer has the latest version of the update and has another protection orders.
7. Report any suspicious message via e come up to the company or its bank.

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