
The finest and best additions Facebook on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

The most beautiful and best additions extension and addons on the chrome and Firefox surfers private Balvispock, prevented from showing you read Facebook messages, enlarge images Facebook, Facebook Messenger on Chrome and Firefox, delete the ads and change the interface facebook

In this issue we will share with you some important additions and own beautiful turn to Facebook on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browser and the most important of
- How to delete the side on the Firefox browser Ads
- How to prevent Facebook to show your friends that you have read messages
- Way for you to see the pictures albums on Facebook larger
- How to add Facebook Messenger application on Chrome and Firefox
- How to conceal any of the links in the right column such as: events, games, applications, requests, pages recommended, the proposed groups, people you may know / Find friends, pokes, friend requests, birthdays, chat, news ticker ... etc.

The, finest, and, best additions Facebook on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

3- Photo Zoom for Facebook

The finest ,and ,best, additions Facebook on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Add Photo Zoom for Facebook you magnify the image on Facebook to cleanse you clearly and high quality

5- F.B Purity-Clean Up Facebook

The, finest ,and ,best ,additions, Facebook on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Add FB Purity-Clean Up Facebook is to add beautiful with many properties you through changing the shape of Facebook, hide any of the links in the right column such as: events, games, requests for applications, pages recommended, the proposed groups, people you may know / Find friends, pokes, friend requests, birthdays, chat, news ticker ... etc.

2- Facebook Unseen

The finest ,and ,best ,additions, Facebook, on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Add Facebook Unseen is to add the reference vu hiding or see that appears when you see the messages your friends who Arusselonk on Facebook .. Of course, this added Almhakp keeps the discomfort that occurs when your friends from seeing their messages and Wright not to respond to them

4-Facebook Messenger

The finest and best ,additions ,Facebook, on ,Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

Facebook Messenger application as we know, is a special smart phones but with the added you can incorporate it and enjoy Bmmizzath to your browser and used on the surface of Computer Office

6-Facebook Cleaner

The finest and best additions ,Facebook, on ,Google, Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox

Add Facebook Cleaner private Mozilla browser through which you can delete and hide all the side ads to Facebook and exploitation of that area on the home page of Facebook


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