
How to add publications Twitter and YouTube threads within your blog

May we explain three ways to add Facebook publications and embedded into your blog topics have been interacting very wonderful visitors and follower of the blog esteemed He has some of the visitors asking about how to include publications Twitter and YouTube within the themes as well, and therefore we will describe embed Tweets Twitter trailers (written and image and video ) different choices as well as how to embed YouTube video and explain the choices embedding. And above all that we will be as usual inspection first.

How, to, add ,publications, Twitter and ,YouTube, threads ,within ,your, blog

First: how to add embed Tweets Twitter on your blog topics

1. adding text tweets: As the image is pressed referred to as 1, and then click on the Embed Tweet Tweet and then we get a code which we can copy and put it into the draft, a topic in HTML mode and not written or Compose.

2. adding text tweets, which include a visual file such as video: The image is pressed referred to as 1, and then click on the Embed Tweet and we will get a pop-up window with the option of telling us to whether we want to include the visual material "video" with the code or not, if you put a sign "true" code will be ready to include video and vice versa. This is evident from the combined image below. You can then make your decision copying the code and put it into the draft of a topic in HTML mode and not written or Compose.

3. add only visible file without that includes biblical or Tweet the same text: As the image is pressed referred to as 1, and then click on the Embed Video and we will get to take a pop-out code we can copy it and put it into the draft subject and are in HTML mode and not written or Compose.

Next: how to add embed YouTube videos into your blog topics

1. Using a direct YouTube site: As you see the following image simply enter on any video through the search, for example. We are pressing the Share or post show us a horizontal list Choose our Embed them to get the code can be used directly and putting it into the draft, a topic in HTML mode and not written or Compose.

But there are some choices to be explained to you for you to control more Video On YouTube as the image by pressing the Show More.

When you press the 4 or Show More shows us the video settings where
Referred to as 5 we use in determining the dimensions of the video to be consistent with the subject matter to be included inside.

Referred to B6 once marked "true" means that you agree to embed videos proposed after you finish watching this video.

Referred to by 7 once marked "true" means you're OK with the emergence of running tools that are present below the video such as the Play button.

Referred to as 8 once marked "true" means you're OK with the emergence of video title.

Referred to by 9 once marked "true" means that you agree not to store YouTube watchers blog visits during their visit to your subject, which includes video, but if it is opened and operated by the visitor and this for privacy.

2. Using the Add button Video Insert Video of the draft blogger while creating your subject: As you see the following image you can press the button referred to number 1, and then show you a pop-up window, select the ones From YouTube and you can then search for the video you want and add it as is shown in the picture steps will be adding video directly into the subject.

In conclusion, I wish I could be useful explanation for all and clear, only if you're interested in the subject you like and then share it with your friends so interested in the subject. If there are any questions you can comment in any time you hello and welcome. Greet you and your time.